『酒造りは、心でつくり、風が育てる』創業者 福田長治兵衛門の言葉は、志々伎の海に吹く風を体で感じながら酒造をしていた様子を今に伝えてくれます。江戸時代から今も現存する酒蔵で15代目として、先代より受け継いだ酒造りの知恵に革新を重ね、酒造りに勤しんでいます。
As our founder Chojibeimon FUKUDA said, “Sake brewing is made with the heart and nurtured by the wind.”, we used to brew sake while feeling the breeze on the sea of Shijiki. As the 15th owner of the brewery, which has brewed sake since the Edo period, I am committed to brewing sake with continuous innovation based on the sake brewing knowledge and skills inherited from our previous owners.